Well, I said on the first post that some of the technical bits on here did my head in and so I have just spent about an hour trying to get a picture on my profile and in the end had to get the husband to do it! So irritating!!!!!!
Anyway - leaving that aside, stayed at work to do some machine knitting last night and when i left the car's immobiliser had locked up again (there is a leak and it had been raining) so I couldn't drive and had to leave the car at work. Managed to scrounge a lift home off one of the porters and had to walk 3 1/2 miles to work this morning (of course the car worked fine as soon as I got there as I predicted) the reason I had to walk as opposed to taking my bike was that when I opened the shed this morning it HAD NO WHEELS!!!!!!!!!! Thank you number one son for cannibalising my bicycle for to mend your own. God I hate teenagers sometimes.
Had to take number two son to the open evening at City of Bristol College this evening - seems a pretty cool place and the students were pretty positive. Of course his mobile went off in the middle of the presentation... He has his eye on another sixth form as first choice but it all depends on his GCSES as he can only do 5 on account of being expelled (twice) earlier this year. Long story. But at least he is thinking about his future in positive way and is determined to make his A levels count despite his past record.
Anyway, apart from that they are pretty cool - this is them playing the ubiquitous playstation:
It wasn't all bad today as I got these in the post from the lovely Texere Yarns :
I got the corsage kit as I wanted a flower loom but couldn't find one on it's own - apart from on ebay but got out-bidded! The chunky knitting dolly is just something I have wanted for ages - have started to make a cord with some little big wool left over from making DRAKE by Sarah Hatton (see Rowan Studio, Issue 2). So now I am cheered up with some new knitting things I will trundle over to Ravelry to do some more over there.