Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Rain, rain, rain and other things that have annoyed me this week...

Question 1) Why in hell's name is it still raining??? It's meant to be August! I am normally pretty sanguine about the weather but this is getting a bit much even for me.

Question 2) Why are car insurance companies so SHIT. IBuyEco have been taking direct debits out of my account since April even thought they wrote my car off after a crash in March, removed it for disposal / destruction / whatever (sob), then paid me the settlement (less the excess etc - still waiting - another story grrr) but when I rang them they told me that the policy had never been cancelled and I wouldn't get a refund ( asked them how in hell's name I could still be driving around in a car that they themselves wrote off???). They are the WORST company I have dealt with to date, really confusing and generally crap. When I get back from Kent next week they are going to get so much grief.

On a good front we managed to get train tickets from Bristol to Kent for £64 for both of us. This is £30 less that the coach. Not sure how but not complaining....

Number two son has reappeared after more than a week's absence. I get so worried about him and yo-yo between wanting to completely brain him and being relieved when I do see him and know he's ok. I don't really think I am very good at bringing up teenagers - I really want this bit to be over - sometimes it is so awful I just despair. The drugs is the worst part.

Anyway, got to get ready to go to Kent tomorrow for my grandmother in laws funeral. She was 96. RIP.

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