Thursday, 27 November 2008

Prague and getting away with it!!!

Well, I am back from Prague - and it was great! Conference for 80 people - the majority of them from Eastern Europe. I had to organise catering, simultaneous translation (Russion/English), an evening reception as well as flights and accomodation for 50 of the delegates. As well as all the paperwork and stuff that goes with a conference. And it all worked and everyone was happy! And I am very happy!!! As well as very relieved that it all went ok. My colleagues have informed that the next conference may be in Zambia. Ok. Moving swiftly on...

Here is the Villa Grobovka in Prague where we held the conference:

Slightly lower down the photos is part of the interior - marble staircase and very ornate decor. Photos are in random order. Sorry, very tired!

This the nice (purple) scarf I bought for my self:

Here are some wooden Christmas decorations from a great shop I found among all the trashy ashtray and stein shops:

I even managed to find a small yarn shop near the hotel. It was run by a rather fierce and scary lady who didn't speak English so after some pointing and holding up of fingers I came away with this small haul: (the beads came from the same shop as the decorations)

Here I am outside the shop:

There are lots of decoative buildings in Prague - like this:

Here are the lovely Elina (from Latvia) and Christine (from Bristol) in a cafe - we had hot mulled wine from here the night before - yum:

Here is an amazing building which I loved, it was huge - the building in front is about 4-5 storeys high! At night it was all lit up ad looked fab:

Here is the picture of the inside of the Villa Grobovka (see above) this was the view from the desk I was sitting at. I managed to knit almost a whole sock during the conference sitting at this desk which resulted in a few comments (forgot to take picture of the sock...) the building was amazing, hand painted and everything:

Prague was great and I would love to go again. This was the first time I had flown anywhere (or left the country at all) for 10 years and unfortunately I had a filthy cold when we left on Monday and I thought I was going to end up with 2 perforated eardrums on the plane - SO PAINFUL - O.MI.GD. Then I was deaf in my right ear until part-way through Tuesday. Thankfully the flight back today was much better. All in all a very successful trip, very tired now so going to sleep. Bye!
Zambia. Hmmm......

1 comment:

erin rae said...

wooo, great stuff, so glad it went so well. Was thinking of you last week. Good haul too on the yarn front. See you soon, xxx.